Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Been a long time

Remember when I said that I had often failed at blogs? Yeah, it happened again. I was sitting in LAX on March 31st editing a video and prepping to write this. But then it happened. I got on a plane. I feverishly searched for work. I caught up with the ones I love. I confirmed that a few people should not be within a few hundred kilometers of my life. the year of no fear roared like a lion backed into a corner by things much bigger and badder.

I was living in the world's most livable and friendliest city yet my first job was working for someone unfriendly and highly unscrupulous. A friend swooped in and got me a job. I ran to that interview like Ethan Hunt runs down buildings. I showed up soaking wet and heavily bearded and I got the job. The job was new, exciting, and safe?!?!?!? What? I had a 9-5 job with a desk and an email and I got to sit with one of my best friends. I got cheap gym that looked over the city and I could afford to eat, watch movies, and be with the lovely people of Australia. I lived in a very strange place at first. It was full of vagabonds, degenerates, and asians who spoke no English. The kitchen was controlled by cockroaches and the couch were always sat on by drunk Scots. It was a lovely place.

I got food poisoning and couldn't work. It was painful and terrible but there was a lady, a lady who looked after me. She gave me a place to stay, a place to write, a place to cook. What a lady (if you are interested gentlemen, let me know she is a catch and then some). I got strong, I wrote, i figured things out. All the pain from earlier this year went away. I got to go to a classical theatre with my best friend and watch masterpieces. I took a trip and saw some lovely people in some lovely places. I got film developed.

Leaving Melbourne was hard. leaving the nights out, the cooking nights in, the bridge hotel and the MCG was brutal and it still is. Everyone who lived there gave me so much. So much encouragement, so much laughter and so much love permeated through this place. It also flows through this place like a river into the ocean. How many people can work hard and be visited and adored by so many others? How can I adore so many people?

New South Wales poses an interesting challenge, avenue and direction. I got a lot of thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Genius is putting them together, making them get along and executing.

What have I done?

Saved money? Nope.
Worked hard? Yes.
Written any screenplays? 1 full one, writing 3 others.
Written any shorts? I've written 5, 1 filmed and set. 4 on the way.
Seen friends? Every day.
Traveled? Yes.
Paid my debts: slowly, very slowly
How's the book going? Hahhaha slowly, very slowly
Stuck in Paradise? Might have been stuck in a british surf camp. Coming soon that one :)

The take away from my 4 months in Melbourne and now 3 weeks in NSW is this: I was scared of a lot of things. I said get stuffed to many of them. I've come to terms with the fact that I have to make another movie and I am not ashamed of it. I've realized when it looks like I am thinking, I am really directing and making things up. I cannot believe it took 26 years to figure that out. I am afraid to declare things I love that involve me for risk of failure, fuck it. I'm making another movie. I'm making short movies to get me there. I'm having a ball and I'm being myself. It's been a good 5 months. It's only getting better.

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